Tanjung Sepat


是我第二次來這裡,從 Puchong 出發此須40分鐘車程。很公式化的帶朋友來此參觀一系列的地方,我最想卻是在吃完海鮮晚餐後的片刻,在海邊略微休息,吹吹海風,等待夕陽的落下;那裡有一座很長的情人橋,我不確定是一座橋還是碼頭,在那欣賞夕陽還不錯。而我想所謂的情人橋,也許不是因浪漫而得名,也許讓人記著而得此名。


1 則留言:

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We are looking for some day trips near KL, and we saw a short assay about Tanjung Sepat on Sinchew Daily yesterday and become interested. But the map and the direction provided were very vaque for people new to the area with no understanding of the Chinese namestranslated into English. I am very glad you provided a clear map for us to find this place with some English, otherwise we may end up in Penang trying to find this place: since there is a place in Penang with the same name. Thanks a lot.

Sunny Liu